Wednesday, January 17, 2018

‘pwd’ (Print Working Directory) Command Examples in Linux

For those working with Linux command Line, command ‘pwd‘ is very helpful, which tells where you are – in which directory, starting from the root (/). Specially for Linux newbies, who may get lost amidst of directories in command Line Interface while navigation, command ‘pwd‘ comes to rescue.

What is pwd?

pwd‘ stands for ‘Print Working Directory‘. As the name states, command ‘pwd‘ prints the current working directory or simply the directory user is, at present. It prints the current directory name with the complete path starting from root (/). This command is built in shell command and is available on most of the shell – bash, Bourne shell, ksh,zsh, etc.

Basic syntax of pwd:
# pwd [OPTION]

 1. Print your current working directory:
manish@localhost:~$ /bin/pwd

2. Create a symbolic link of a folder (say /var/www/html into your home directory as htm). Move to the newly created directory and print working directory with symbolic links and without symbolic links.
Create a symbolic link of folder /var/www/html as htm in your home directory and move to it.
manish@localhost:~$ ln -s /var/www/html/ htm
manish@localhost:~$ cd htm

3. Print working directory from environment even if it contains symlinks.

manish@localhost:~$ /bin/pwd -L

4. Print actual physical current working directory by resolving all symbolic links.

manish@localhost:~$ /bin/pwd -P

5. Check if the output of command “pwd” and “pwd -P” are same or not i.e., if no options are given at run-time does “pwd” takes option -P into account or not, automatically.

manish@localhost:~$ /bin/pwd

Result: It’s clear from the above output of example 4 and 5 (both result are same) thus, when no options are specified with command “pwd”, it automatically takes option “-P” into account.

6. Print version of your ‘pwd’ command.

manish@localhost:~$ /bin/pwd --version
pwd (GNU coreutils) 8.23
Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by Jim Meyering.

Note: A ‘pwd’ command is often used without options and never used with arguments.

Important: You might have noticed that we are executing the above command as “/bin/pwd” and not “pwd”.
So what’s the difference? Well “pwd” alone means shell built-in pwd. Your shell may have different version of pwd. Please refer manual. When we are using /bin/pwd, we are calling the binary version of that command. Both the shell and the binary version of command Prints Current Working Directory, though the binary version have more options.

7. Print all the locations containing executable named pwd.

manish@localhost:~$ type -a pwd
pwd is a shell builtin
pwd is /bin/pwd

8. Store the value of “pwd” command in variable (say a), and print its value from the variable (important for shell scripting perspective).

manish@localhost ~$ a=$(pwd)
manish@localhost:~$ echo "Current working directory is : $a"
Current working directory is : /home/manish

9. Change current working directory to anything (say /home) and display it in command line prompt. Execute a command (say ‘ls‘) to verify is everything is OK.

manish@localhost ~$ cd /home
manish@localhost ~$ PS1='$pwd> '              [Notice single quotes in the example]
> ls

10. Set multi-line command line prompt (say something like below).


And then execute a command (say ls) to check is everything is OK.

manish@localhost:~$ PS1='
> $PWD
$ 123#Hello#!
$ '

11. Check the current working directory and previous working directory in one GO!

manish@localhost:~$ echo “$PWD $OLDPWD”
/home /home/manish

12. What is the absolute path (starting from /) of the pwd binary file.


13. What is the absolute path (starting from /) of the pwd source file.


14. Print the absolute path (starting from /) of the pwd manual pages file.


15. Write a shell script analyses current directory (say manish) in your home directory. If you are under directory manish it output “Well! You are in manish directory” and then print “Good Bye” else create a directory manish under your home directory and ask you to cd to it.
Let’s first create a ‘manish’ directory, under it create a following shell script file with name ‘’.
manish@localhost:~$ mkdir manish
manish@localhost:~$ cd manish
manish@localhost:~$ nano

Next, add the following script to the file.
if [ "$x" == "/home/$USER/manish" ]
echo "Well you are in manish directory"
echo "Good Bye"
mkdir /home/$USER/manish
echo "Created Directory manish you may now cd to it"

Give execute permission and run it.
manish@localhost:~$ chmod 755
manish@localhost:~$ ./
Well you are in manish directory
Good Bye

pwd is one of the simplest yet most popular and most widely used command. A good command over pwd is basic to use Linux terminal. That’s all for now. I’ll be here again with another interesting article soon, till then stay tuned and connected to

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